In today’s challenging market, you need to know that your investments and savings are working as hard as possible for the objectives you have set. Maybe you simply want them to achieve the most appropriate growth rate, or perhaps you intend to live off them. Whatever your aims are, we can take you through all the options step by step, putting you on the road to achieving them.
The advice we offer is tailor made for your individual circumstances, ensuring the options we offer are right for you and as tax efficient as possible. We will take into consideration how long you wish to save for, whether you want to make regular savings or invest a lump sum, and your attitude to investment risk.
We regularly review your savings and investments strategy, ensuring that it still meets with your requirements well into the future, taking into account any change in your circumstances.
We offer advice on the following:
- ISAs
- Investment Funds
- Investment Bonds
- Mutual Funds
- Offshore
ISA Investors do not pay any personal tax on income or gains but ISAs do pay unrecoverable tax on income from stocks and shares received by the ISA manager.
Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change.
The value of investments can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.